Sight-Singing with Liz Fleischer

"A must for singers, and so much fun..."   - Bette Midler

"Holy Moses, what a great class!"  - Theatre Resources Unlimited

If you love to sing and want to join a choir, pursue solo work or just get a solid grounding in musicianship, these music-reading classes are a must. Using repertoire of all styles as a base, adult students progress rapidly, gaining a practical understanding of music theory and compositional techniques along the way. All classes are taught by Liz Fleischer, hailed by New York Magazine as "one of New York's great teachers" and The New York Times as "a teacher who gets results." Read an article about Sight-Singing.

To RSVP, email or call 212 501 3360.

The Spring Term begins February 25

Class Level OVERVIEW

Beginner: Introduction to basic reading technique, ear-training, eye-training, dictation and music theory through study and performance of songs, rounds and duets.

Intermediate I: Interval work in the context of key using the harmonic and melodic conventions of Major scale as a base, featuring songs, rounds and part-music. This critical level provides a strong foundation for further study.

Intermediate II: Moving beyond interval reading in the context of key, students will be introduced to functional  chromaticism, and additional independent and transitional techniques enabling them to move more confidently through tonal, modal and chromatically altered repertoire.

Lab Choir I: Strengthen pitch-reading fluency and confidence applying practical, streamlined, and era-sensitive techniques to the study and performance of a wide range of part-music and solo repertoire.

Lab Choir II: With continuing focus on a wide range of era-sensitive skills and strategies, heightened chromaticism  and secure interval work, students learn to navigate challenging entrances and close-harmony demands singing solo and part-music of all eras.

Lab Choir III (Advanced): Experienced students work toward confident reading of increasingly abstract pitch relationships and entrances, drawing from a wide range of solo and ensemble music of all eras, with special emphasis on rhythmically challenging materials.



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Our Registrars are here to help you find the perfect class or private lesson! 212 501 3360 or lucymosesschool​@kaufmanmusiccenter​.org.

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