Welcome to the Lucy Moses School community!
To register:
- Online registration: to get started, search for your class. Then click the Register Online button.
- Email, phone, and in person registration: for personalized guidance from a Registrar, email lucymosesschool@kaufmanmusiccenter.org, call 212 501 3360, or stop by the fifth floor offices.
Please be sure to read our policies before registering.
An annual registration fee is required for each student. Our school year runs September to August. Young People's Division: $50, discounted to $25 for only the summer term. Adult Division: $30.
Lucy Moses School 2024-25 Class Meeting Calendar
Young People's Division 2024-25 Performance Opportunities
Click here for financial aid information and an application.
The age listed for each class is the student's age as of September 1, the first day of the school year.
Important Dates
- March 15 – Early Registration: Returning Young People’s Division students may register for the following school year. Register online by finding your class page and clicking on the "Register Online" button. Call the office at 212-501-3360 or email us at lucymosesschool@kaufmanmusiccenter.org
- May 1 – New Young People's Division students may begin registering for the following school year.
- June 15 – Financial aid applications are due for all Young People's Division students. Adult Division students may begin registering for the following school year.
- September – Once the new school year begins, current Young People's Division and Adult Division students may continue to add additional classes, including spring semester classes.
- November 15 – All students may register for spring semester classes.
- December 15 – All students may register for full day summer programs.
- January 15 – All students may register for summer classes.
Students interested in private lessons may begin at any time during the year. Mid-session registration is possible for some classes; please contact the registrars for more information.