Our People

Emily Grant, Co-Interim Executive Director

Igal Kesselman, Co-Interim Executive Director

AE Freisler, Executive Support Manager and Board Liaison
212 501 3312

Christine Todd, Chief Financial Officer
212 501 3323

John Glover, Director of Artistic Planning
212 501 3343

Merkin Hall

David Bridges, Client Services Manager
212 501 3345

Jesse Itskowitz, Production Manager
212 501 3354

Lauren Wimmer, Box Office Manager
212 501 3344

Jenny Liao, Head House Manager

Lucy Moses School

Lucy Moses School Registrars may be reached at lucymosesschool@kaufmanmusiccenter.org, or by calling 212 501 3360.

Igal Kesselman, Director
212 501 3363

Alicia Andrews, Assistant Director and Adult Division Manager
212 501 3362

Scott Taylor, Young People's Division Manager
212 501 3367

Sean Hartley, Director, Theater@Kaufman; Dalcroze Program Coordinator
212 501 3366

Mel Muñoz, Pathways & Partnerships Manager
646 628 0670

Danny Rivera, Billing & Payroll Coordinator
212 501 3364

Sunny Sheffman, Music Program Coordinator
212 501 3382

Kristina Malinauskaite, Registrar/Administrative Associate
212 501 3360

Elka Wade, Registrar/Administrative Associate
212 501 3360

Ken Ossip, Administrative Assistant
212 501 3327

Special Music School (P.S. 859)

Igal Kesselman, Music Director
212 501 3363

Kate White, Dean of Music, K-8
212 501 3316

Andrew Copper, Dean of Music, High School

Katherine Banucci-Smith, Principal

Sean Hartley, Chair, Admissions Committee
212 501 3366

Corinne Au, K-8 Music Program Coordinator


Sean Hartley, Director
212 501 3366

Angela HowellCoordinator
212 501 3327

Face the Music

Eleonore Oppenheim, Program Manager
212 501 3388

Luke Scales, Production Coordinator

Email Face the Music

Development and Event Management

Jonathan Slawson, Chief Development Officer
908 405 9359

Margaret Hoeschele, Associate Director, Development

Kurt Clare, Senior Manager, Events & Individual Giving

Matthew Jaimes, Development Operations Assistant

Natalie Oshukany, Grant Writer

Marketing & Communications

Dianna Mesion-Jackson, Senior Director of Marketing & Communications
212 501 3352

Joan Jastrebski, Communications Director
212 501 3386

Sorcha Fitzgerald, Graphic Designer


Sung Nam, Senior Accountant

Charlene Gilkes, Payroll & HR Associate
212 501 3321

Birnbaum Music Library

Alice Lambert, Librarian
212 501 3348

Building Operations

José Diaz, Facilities Manager
212 501 3370

Front Desk Reception & Practice Room Rentals
Mildred Flores, Senior Receptionist
Robby Burchit
Amanda Cattel
Marquis Fortune
Stephanie Gonzalez
Winnie McNally
Jourdan Pérez
Marie Schubert

212 501 3308

Maintenance Services
Edwin Espinal
Benito Rojano Gomez
Tony Herrera
Kenny Pichardo
Elias Sanabria

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